Monday, February 6, 2012

The Year of the Dragon

According to the Chinese calendar system, this is the "year of the dragon". On this website:,  I found this information:
"The year of the Dragon is the year for great deeds, innovative ideas and big projects. In this year success in particular can expect people who are dealing with finances. This will be advantageous time to begin new projects in business and social level. Dragon gives happiness and success to all good and honest people. Also, those who have great talent. 2012 Year of the Dragon is favorable for the establishment of family, the birth of healthy and smart children. During this period we should be bold and not humble."
These words might almost be written with me in mind. I have undertaken a big project, self-publishing six books as ebooks. These books are like my children, and since two of them have never been published before, it's kind of like a birth. I'm also trying to be bold and not humble, and promote my books and my writing with enthusiasm and confidence.
And, finally, four of the books are part of my "Dragon of the Island" series, which includes my first book of the same title, so the "Dragon" part is especially fitting.
The first three novels were published in print over fifteen years ago, while The Dragon Bard has never been published. Making these stories available to readers has been a dream come true for me. In future posts, I'll share more stories of my journey to this place.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my friend! I love your answers and was quite surprised when you mentioned Jim Morrison, although he does make sense. :D

    Your blog page is fantastic!

